The occasion was the prêt launch of designer Neeta Lulla`s label at the Pyramid at Crossroads in Mumbai recently. Judging by the mass hysteria that followed Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai`s entry, Devdas sure has won the two stars a lot of fans. The crowd went out of control, and the cops had to threaten a lathicharge to get them under control. When Shah Rukh waved to them, he was greeted with chants of `Devdas, Devdas, Devdas`. Aishwarya was equally mobbed, however, nobody called her Paro!
Shah Rukh was sporting a white low V-neck T-shirt, that showed his cleavage to perfection, and jeans. He`s lost weight, and he announced, `I wish I was a girl. Then even I could wear these lovely ghagra-cholis.` Amongst others were film producer and diamond merchant, Bharat Shah, who smiled for the cameras. Sanjay Leela Bhansali was there too, but avoided the glare of the cameras and stood incognito behind the Mcdonald`s stall, admiring a poster of Devdas. We accosted him and he said, `My film has done well, I`m relaxed and happy. Let the show go on,` he said pointing towards the main stage.
Together Shah Rukh and Aishwarya unveiled the sets of Devdas that would be on display at crossroads. Neeta Lulla`s stunning creations for Aishwarya in the film were also on display. Said Neeta, `Designing for Aishwarya is a dream, but also a challenge. She`s a beautiful woman, and what I design for her, must highlight the subtle nuances of her beauty, style and personality, without overpowering or overdoing it.`